Faculty and staff are frequently helping students identify their talents, and it’s not uncommon to find them in the front row cheering at games and recitals.
At Lexington Christian Academy we believe in cultivating the whole person; Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul. Here is a story about cultivating the body.
Alumni Testimony
“I appreciated being involved in a smaller, more intimate environment where a teacher could pull you aside and say, “Wow, you can sing.” I don’t think that happens at a bigger school. And that happened across the board at LCA. I met Coach Campbell and she encouraged me to play sports. Everywhere I went there was someone in authority that was a mentor and encouraging me-drama, music, sports, academics.”
– Keri Claiborne Boyle ‘91, Author and Triathlete
Keri Claiborne Boyle has loved writing since she was a young girl. After years in business communications, she now gets to write for kids and think like a dog! She earned a master’s degree from Northwestern University and a bachelor’s from the University of Rochester. An avid triathlete and marathoner, she lives in suburban Boston with her husband and four children (three human, one canine), who serve—sometimes unknowingly—as the inspiration for much of her writing.
Check out her children’s stories!