






We are so excited to see you for the start of the 2024-2025 school year! Here are some important reminders as you prepare for our first day of school on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3!


4:00 – 6:00 PM


* ALL 6th grade students
* ALL 9th grade students
* NEW 7th, 8th, 10th, and 11th grade students
* NEW Parents (all grades)

(see details below)

5:30 – 6:00 PM Book swap drop-off
(returning families bring textbooks to the AC)
6:00 – 8:00 PM Welcome Back BBQ!
(all families)
7:00 – 8:00 PM Book Swap!
(all families, pick up books in the AC)


7:30 – 7:45 AM Arrival Arrival 
7:45 – 8:30 AM Homeroom Parent Prayer Walk
(All parents invited.Meet at the flagpole!)
8:30 – 9:30 AM Convocation Ceremony Convocation Ceremony 
9:30 – 12:00 PM Homeroom
Yearbook Photos
Fire Drill
 Parents Dismissed
12:00 – 2:55 PM Modified Class Schedule
(students will attend all Wednesday classes for 30 minutes each)
2:00 – 2:55 PM   Middle School Athletics Orientation
(all MS students)
 3:00 PM  Dismissal  
 Afternoon Upper School Athletics Practices  


what do i wear on the first day of school?

Dress up! Remember, it’s picture day!*


From the LCA Family Handbook:

Attire for Formal Occasions, including First Day and Class Day:

  • For young men, formal dress includes a dress shirt, tie, or dress pants (no jeans or shorts), shoes, and socks.
  • For young women, formal dress includes either a dress, or a skirt or dress pants and a blouse, and dress shoes.

* 9th graders, please bring casual clothes with you to change into before we move on to orientation. 


Students should bring all of their books and supplies for WEDNESDAY classes. Students should also bring their laptop device and any sports gear they may need for the afternoon.



      Lunch will be complimentary on Convocation Day (Tuesday, September 3).

      Beginning on Wednesday, September 4, families who would like to purchase school lunch must create and load money on their family’s LunchTab account. Students will be given a Student ID during the 2nd week of school that will enable them to purchase food quickly and easily. During the first few days, students will need to report their name to the person working the POS in the Dining Room. 

      Once the school year begins, the Lunch Menu will be posted on the LCA Calendar.


          lockers (grades 7-12)

          Locker dimensions are all 58” H x 12” W x 12” L (see photo here). Some students have slightly wider lockers, but all have the same upper shelf and hooks for backpack/clothing. We recommend locker shelves for organizing books, bringing some small magnets or sticking a dry-erase board to the inside of your locker for important reminders, hanging up your schedule, and writing notes to yourself.

          Your House Leader will assign you a locker number and combination, and you’ll have some time to locate it and set up during Orientation and/or Convocation Day.


          Find all textbook requirements on the Course Essentials Document.


          TEXTBOOK SWAP:
          Come to the Welcome Back BBQ on Wednesday, August 28 with your student’s printed curriculum list and swap your old books for new-to-you textbooks at the PRC Textbook Swap. Drop off your old textbooks in the Activity Center (AC) beginning at 5:30 pm before heading to the gym for dinner. Come back at 7:00 pm and pick up the used textbooks you need for the 2024-25 school year! Why spend money on textbooks that other LCA families can’t wait to get rid of? PRC has you covered! For more information, contact Loren Stevens at loren.stevens@LCA.edu.


              supply lists (grades 6-9)

              Find all Middle School supplies on p.31 of the Course Essentials Document


              GRADE 9 SUPPLIES:
              There is no set list of supplies for upper schoolers, but 9th graders are encouraged to purchase:

                • A different color binder for each academic subject
                • A notebook or loose-leaf paper inside of each binder for class note-taking
                • Different colored highlighters
                • Pens/pencils and case to hold them
                • Small magnets to hang your child’s schedule and reminder notes inside his/her locker
                • Optional locker shelves can also aid in organization of school materials

              All students in grades 8-12 must “Bring Your Own Device” (B.Y.O.D.) to school every day.  Students usually have a Windows laptop, Apple MacBook, or Chromebook. Be sure you can log in successfully to your Portal and email accounts from your own device before orientation on Convocation Day. If you need assistance acquiring a device, please speak with our IT department (help@lca.edu)


                  new families: tech faq's

                  What is the Portal?

                  The “Portal” is LCA’s online central repository of information.  Homework assignments, class handouts, your grades, teacher comments, and various forms/permission slips are all found on the Portal.  You’ll soon find yourself asking your teachers, “Is this on the Portal?”  Parents and students have separate Portal accounts with slightly different content.  Account setup instructions are sent out directly from our IT department.  Be sure to try logging into the Portal before the first day of school!


                  What will my school email be, and when do I get access to it?

                  Your email address is your firstname.lastname@lca.edu  Email is the main way your teachers will communicate with you.  Be sure to log in and know how to access your LCA email before school starts as well! Your email will also serve as your WiFi log-in credentials.

                  All new families should have received student email account information from our technology office. If you have not received your student email information or need help with this, please reach out to help@lca.edu


                  Do I need to have my own computer for school?

                  Yes! All upper school students must “Bring Your Own Device” (B.Y.O.D.) to school every day.  Students usually have a Windows laptop, Apple MacBook, or Chromebook. iPads are not recommended. Be sure you can log in successfully to your Portal and email accounts from your own device before orientation on Convocation Day. If you need assistance acquiring a device, please speak with our IT department (help@lca.edu)

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                  48 Bartlett Ave, Lexington, MA 02420